Schools & Colleges

学校和学院是网赌的十大网站的核心, 为学生提供多样化的体验,提供独特的课程, centers and initiatives, special programs, a chance to showcase work, and personalized one-on-one interactions with faculty.

  • Students discussing projects.

    Cummings School of Architecture

    网赌的十大网站建筑学院为学生提供了一个致力于建筑和文化环境的创造和管理的教育社区. The school offers an array of undergraduate, graduate, 和专业学位课程,并拥有全国第一个也是唯一一个建筑教学公司驻校计划. 学校设施是最先进的,并通过其中心和倡议, 学生可以在当地和全球社区获得实践经验.

    Cummings School of Architecture
  • Students working on construction project.


    The School of Engineering, 计算机与建筑管理是全国公认的领导者,为学生在计算机科学领域的职业生涯做好准备, construction management, and engineering. Through the school's academic programs and resources, students build strong technical skills, gain real-world learning experiences, and work with the latest technology and equipment.

  • Student cross examining witness.

    School of Justice Studies

    司法研究学院致力于为学生提供高质量的教育,为他们成功应对现代司法系统专业人员面临的挑战做好准备. 通过由学术专家和经验丰富的从业者讲授的课程, 学生将深入了解当今的司法制度. Outside the classroom, 学生通过实习获得宝贵的实践经验, applied research, and training.

    Explore School of Justice Studies
  • Exterior shot of RWU's Providence campus.

    University College

    网赌的十大网站满足学生的需求,并与他们一起努力,为他们的成功铺平道路. Whatever age, whatever demands and challenges, 无论学生接受过或没有接受过什么样的教育和职业道路, UC与他们一起打破障碍,寻找机会. 无论学生是想获得学位还是只是想接受一些工作培训, 网赌的十大网站确保所有的学习者和社区都得到途径的支持, programs, supports, and services that meet their educational needs.

    Explore University College
  • Female student at law orientation.

    School of Law

    The School of Law offers students a rigorous, hands-on, affordable legal education in a supportive environment. The only law school in Rhode Island, RWU法学院在为学生提供体验式和无偿教育机会方面处于领先地位, and has a legacy of outstanding scholarship, accomplished alumni, and profound engagement with the bench and bar.

    Explore School of Law